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中考英语作文范文 its very kind of him-一个好人

中考作文 2021-06-16 07:36:34

初中作文频道小编[╭触碰纯白,单色凌‖ゝ]今天给大家整理了《中考英语作文范文 its very kind of him-一个好人》的优秀作文,这篇中考英语作文范文 its very kind of him-一个好人共有645字,是一篇很优秀的原创作文,这篇中考英语作文范文 its very kind of him-一个好人很值得大家参考和学习。

its very kind of him-一个好人

one day i rode bike to school as usual. suddenly, there was something wrong with my bike. i tried my best to mend it,but i failed. i was very worried and didn’t know what to do. just then an old man came and helped me. a few minutes later, he mended the bike well. i was very glad and thankful, "thank you very much." but the man waved his hand and went away.

一天,我像往常一样骑车去上学。突然车子出了毛病。我尽力修理 ,它,还是没修好。我急得不知该怎么好了。这时一个老大爷走过来帮我,几分钟后车修好了。我又高兴,又感激,说:“谢谢您了。”他朝我挥了挥手走了。

on my way to school there was something wrong with my bike. what should i do? i would be late for class. i checked the bike again and again, but i didn’t know what the matter was. i was so worried that i was wet all over. just then an old man came up to me. "what’s the matter, young man?" he said, "let me help you." i was glad that my bike was mended a few minutes later.

i didn’t really know what i should say. i thanked him again and again, he said with a smile, "it is my pleasure. we should help each other." yes, we should help each other. when i see someone is in trouble, i will help him, too.




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